This is Norm
This is Norm is a show about interesting things and thoughts from a different perspective. It's only a couple of minutes per episode as I cut through the noise and ponder about life.Topics range from current topics in the world, interesting discoveries, any tidbits here and there, sources of wisdom, predictions, and more. I share a little bit about my life as well.Best to start with the latest episode! Hosted by Norman Chella.This show is a part of ThatsTheNorm, a group of shows going against the norm! More at: thatsthenorm.com
29 episodes
3 Questions on Gratitude: The Planet, Humanity, and The Self
In this freeform audio recording, Norm delves into the topic of gratitude on three different levels - for the planet, for other humans, and for oneself. He shares his reflections on the importance of environmental care, the beauty in human impe...
Season 4
Episode 29

The Child in Me
I was prompted by a recent tweet by Joao Mateus on the concept of playfulness and its association with age, in children. The definitions of curiosity are brought up. When we are older, we start to question ourselves, why is it that we Harbor su...
Season 3
Episode 28

1000 Follower Special: Crazy vs Insane, Podcast Prep, Brave Note-Taking and PKM Philosophy
I got 1000 followers on Twitter! Yay! As a celebration, I put out an AMA on Twitter and to record the answers into one episode. And here we go!Questions an...
Season 2
Episode 27

3-5-10 Year Reflections
Through @BecomingCritter's tweet, I explored more on how I've changed the most compared to years ago:2011 (10 years ago)2016 (5 years ago)
Season 2
Episode 26

Positive Distraction
In what environment do you think the best? This is a quick audio snippet of what I think a good 'distraction' is.Transcript here: https://thatsthenorm.com/positive-distractions/<...
Season 2
Episode 25

My 12 Problems (Richard Feynman)
My 12 Problems turned into questions, from Richard Feynmann.The dozen favorite problems I constantly have in my mindLinks and Inspirationshttps:/...
Season 1
Episode 24

Making a daily show is hard...here's why!
I'm falling behind guys, this is pretty hard. 😅
Season 1
Episode 23

Pluralsight is free for April!
If you're interested in learning a new technical skill while stuck at home, Pluralsight is here for you! Get access to all the courses this entire month :)Links:
Season 1
Episode 22

The Psychology of a WFH Uniform
I have a favourite jacket that I use to do work in. It helps me to focus - what about you?ThatsTheNorm
Season 1
Episode 21

Trying out Descript for the first time!
I'm trying out a new tool to edit my podcasts - Descript! You should check it out: think of it as a Google Docs for podcasts. ;)Thanks Evo Terra for the re...
Season 1
Episode 20

Brand Confusion is a real thing
Brand Confusion is a real thing, and here's why.ThatsTheNorm
Season 1
Episode 19

Do you need a Focus Corner?
What you need in your Focus Corner:Barriers to protect yourselfClarity of ObstaclesNo phones!ThatsTheNorm
Season 1
Episode 18

Why Facebook is a Job now
I barely go to Facebook for fun anymore. Here's why.ThatsTheNorm
Season 1
Episode 17

I'm now a SuperLearner Certified Coach!
Helping out people who want to reach their goals through memory and speedreading techniques, I can now be your professional cheerleader and guide! Let me help you remember things better :)Links...
Season 1
Episode 16

Biographies and their advantages
Biographies are great to read, there's a ton of advantages. But why do those advantages exist in the first place? I think it's because:Comparison is a source of strengthPerspectives are widened with greatsYour ...
Season 1
Episode 15

The Modern Rules of Email
Be informalMake it easyHeadlines, Headlines, headlines.???Profit.ThatsTheNorm
Season 1
Episode 14

DISCOVERY: Virtual Museum Tours and other Arts resources!
Bored at home? Want to look at some amazing art online? I discovered this Tweet thread of arts resources. Go check out some (virtual) museums, narrative scripts, books, and more!
Season 1
Episode 13

Why enthusiasm is infectious and opens doors for you
I connected with someone just because I was happy about doing so. That enthusiasm went through the internets. Here's why.ThatsTheNorm
Season 1
Episode 12

Why Malls are Malaysia's bread and butter
Did you know that Malaysians love malls? I have a strange theory about that. There are two reasons why: the weather, and our boredom.Here's what I mean.
Season 1
Episode 11

Rebecca Black: Friday is for Anti-Bullying
We all know Rebecca Black for her hit song 'Friday' years ago.But did you know that she's gone through a lot since the age of 13, and is now an anti-bullying advocate?Friday doesn't seem as bad now, does...
Season 1
Episode 10

Ideascale: Packaging ideas into different sizes for everyone
With the change in attention economy nowadays, we want to consume information in different ways: shorter. Faster. Impactful and more.Let's talk about scaling your ideas to fit the masses.
Season 1
Episode 9

Love Letters from Ronald and Nancy Reagan
Write letters to your loved ones, they'll appreciate it. Here's an excerpt from Ronald Reagan to his lovely wife, Nancy.Main links
Season 1
Episode 8

Stop doing cover letters, here's what we should do instead
I'm sick of cover letters. They don't work well, there's plenty of templates out there in the world, and you have many other ways to show how good you are.Here's what you can do.
Season 1
Episode 7