This is Norm
This is Norm is a show about interesting things and thoughts from a different perspective. It's only a couple of minutes per episode as I cut through the noise and ponder about life.Topics range from current topics in the world, interesting discoveries, any tidbits here and there, sources of wisdom, predictions, and more. I share a little bit about my life as well.Best to start with the latest episode! Hosted by Norman Chella.This show is a part of ThatsTheNorm, a group of shows going against the norm! More at: thatsthenorm.com
This is Norm
I'm now a SuperLearner Certified Coach!
Norman Chella
Season 1
Episode 16
Helping out people who want to reach their goals through memory and speedreading techniques, I can now be your professional cheerleader and guide! Let me help you remember things better :)
Thanks for listening to the show! You can find out more about it at ThatsTheNorm, where I collect all my notes, conversations, podcasts, and more.