This is Norm
This is Norm is a show about interesting things and thoughts from a different perspective. It's only a couple of minutes per episode as I cut through the noise and ponder about life.Topics range from current topics in the world, interesting discoveries, any tidbits here and there, sources of wisdom, predictions, and more. I share a little bit about my life as well.Best to start with the latest episode! Hosted by Norman Chella.This show is a part of ThatsTheNorm, a group of shows going against the norm! More at:
This is Norm
A Strange Theory: Putting a face to a crisis
March 26, 2020
Norman Chella
Season 1
Episode 5
I have a strange theory about reacting to a crises or an enemy. Maybe it might explain the racial attacks surrounding Coronavirus. Otherwise, humans wouldn't be profiling by race so much would they?
Thanks for listening to the show! You can find out more about it at ThatsTheNorm, where I collect all my notes, conversations, podcasts, and more.